Sunday, September 9, 2012

Making sense

Ok. So I have another problem to show everyone. It goes like this:

A law firm consists of 10 members: 6 women and 4 men. 3 members are selected at random to take on the next big case. The names are drawn from a large bowl. What is the probability that all 3 selected are men?

So for the first picking 10 names are in the bowl. The probability of getting a man's name the first time is 4/10.

Now we go to the second drawing. There are 9 names left in the bowl. 3 of these names are men. So that makes our next fraction 3/9.

For the final selection we have 8 names left in the bowl. Only 1 is a man. This means that our fraction will be 1/8.

Now we are going to take all 3 fractions and multiply them together. This will give us the probability of selecting those 3 men.

4/10 * 3/9 * 1/8 = 12/20

This fraction will reduce leaving us with an answer of 1/60. So there is a 1/60 chance that all three men will be drawn from the bowl.

Here's a Link for further explanation.

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