Monday, September 3, 2012

Wednesday August 29th class

   Class today was a little tricky. We were learning about Probability with playing cards and pom poms.  It was a fun activity until we reach the pom pom section. First, I'll explain the deck of cards and then I'll get to the ugly stuff.
     The playing card activity was pretty straight forward. I got that the probability of getting a queen in a deck of cards was 4/52 which reduces to 1/13. We also could write this as P(Q) = 1/13. This is because there are only 4 queens out of all the cards in a deck.Most of the problems that Mrs.Klassen gave us on this activity were hard at first, but once you wrapped your head around it, it made sense. It really helped me to envision the deck of cards in my head.
    After this excessive I was pretty hopeful and then (dun dun dun) I lost it. We started out with a box containing 3 white balls and two black balls. This was our problem:
 A ball is drawn at random from the box and not replaced. Then a second ball is drawn from the box. Draw a tree diagram for this experiment and all possible outcomes. Find the probability that the two balls are different colors. (straight from Mrs. Klassen's worksheet)

This is what I wrote down.
    I'm still completely lost but Mrs. Klassen did say she was going to review it next class period.

Here's a link to a video by Khan Academy. This will show you examples of playing cards and probability.

1 comment:

  1. This was the most challenging for me. I would get confused on how to set up the tree diagram and then get lost on how to do the branches. This was probably my least favorite throughout the whole course.
